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Molecular genetics in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2017-03-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: moleculargeneticsmoleculegeneticsecularelectromagnetic spectrumfreneticenergeticMeaning: n. the branch of genetics concerned with the structure and activity of genetic material at the molecular level. 
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1, Advances in molecular genetics have reinforced that view.
2, Molecular genetics of cancer Tumor invasion and angiogenesis.
3, Objective To probe into the molecular genetics basis for para - Bombay phenotype.
4, Molecular Genetics of Plant Development . Stephen Howell , Cambridge University Press, 1998.
5, Objective To study the characteristics of molecular genetics concerning Chinese myoclonic epilepsy and ragged-red fiber disease (MERRF).
6, Recent molecular genetics studies have revealed a genetic network that enables the critical daylength response of florigen gene expression.
7, S . and M. A. degrees in Molecular Genetics from the University of California at Davis.
8, This is the essential thesis of molecular genetics, sometimes called the central dogma.
9, The study of searching candidate gene on asthmatic molecular genetics has become a hot region worldwide.
10, Participants included experts in family and twin studies, molecular genetics, basic and clinical neuroscience, cognitive and behavioral science, development throughout the life-span, and disability.
11, Alongside the clinical concerns there has been significant progress in our understanding of the molecular genetics.
12, Search for a preventive treatment for the disease has been greatly aided by advances in molecular genetics.
13, This included genetic improvement of strains by protoplast fusion and molecular biology and studies on genetic variability by zymogram technology and molecular genetics.
14, Objective To study the relationship between the pathological classification and molecular genetics of hydatidiform mole.
15, As the leading ailment of hereditary diseases,( genetics.html) neurogenetic diseases have upgraded to level of gene concerned their etiology and pathogenesis with the advancement of molecular genetics.
16, At present, mainly engaged in clinical endocrinology and diabetes and abnormal lipid metabolism in molecular genetics.
17, He is the one of researchers firstly engaging in biochemistry and molecular genetics.
18, "The variation we see in insulin secretion in humans and susceptibility to diabetes is likely related to this clock mechanism, " said Bass, an endocrinologist trained in molecular genetics.
19, Conclusion There is not much correlation between pathological classification and molecular genetics of hydatidiform mole.
20, Recently, the research of the pathogenesis of GCA progressed quickly with the rapid development of molecular genetics, cytobiology, and molecular immunology.
21, The study appears this week in an early online edition of the journal Human Molecular Genetics.
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